Somers Land Trust volunteers and our scouts have been developing trails and infrastructure on both parcels of Rhinoceros Creek Reservation this summer. The native plantings around the kiosk are thriving, and foliage colors are getting lively .
Perhaps you love the southwest parcel - relaxing in the pavilion surrounded by the native plant garden or on benches donated by the Somers Women's Club. Maybe you prefer an invigorating hike up and along the ridge on the green trail. Have you found the beaver dam, the bird blind or the forest loop on the northeast parcel? (Park at end of Bonny Drive -- trail maps for both parcels are posted on the kiosk by the pavilion and can be downloaded here.)
We invite you to visit Rhinoceros Creek this year to see the new additions. And, as always, we need your help to ensure trails and green space will be here for your family and our community for the long term.
Please click to volunteer your time or dollars - both are essential and greatly appreciated. And check out Scout Projects here.